Mindful Eating Magic for Midlife

Want to enjoy eating again as a 40+ woman? I'll show you how to stop obsessing over food & focus on what really makes a difference for healthy eating in midlife.

Watch this 60(ish) minute workshop and I'll help you:

  • Beat cravings by listening to your body’s cues

  • Say goodbye to all or nothing thinking

  • Explore your relationship with food in a safe way

  • Improve digestion with simple practices

  • Feel empowered and confident, ready to start eating mindfully at your next meal

    … & all for only $21 CAD.

What's included in this instant access workshop:

✨ the 60 minute training

✨ recorded Q&A session where I answer common questions

✨ a guide to walk you through mindful eating in your everyday life

✨ a strategy for figuring out what’s a craving and what’s actually hunger

✨ a sense of freedom as you learn to tune into your body’s signals

✨ BONUS: hunger guide (downloadable)


Here's what workshop participants are saying:

"I have always been one of the first ones to finish a family meal and often viewed food as a means to stay alive.  I ate on the run or while doing other things.  Sitting and enjoying food was a time-waster. It was nice to have a detailed plan to help me focus on slowing down my pace.  And I like the science behind things so this was right up my alley."

Mindful Eating Magic for Midlife

Enjoy your food and improve your digestion - without spending loads of extra time or following complicated food rules!

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How to X Without Y So You Can Z

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How to X Without Y So You Can Z

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How to X Without Y So You Can Z

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